Monday, July 11, 2005

TV Plug

This last week I just finished watching the first season of 24. What an exciting TV series. I know, I know, I'm behind the times, but with school and work, I don't have the time to schedule an hour every week where I can watch TV. The only reason I even watched the first season now was had it on sale for $25 about a year ago. Now I only wish the other DVD seasons would go on sale for a similar price. Next is Season 1 of Alias, which I got for my friend last Christmas. Then.... I guess I'll have to sign up for Netflix or Blockbuster and watch every TV series I can. Any other recommendations?

1 comment:

uScGoo said...

I remember watching MST3000 when I was little and I didn't enjoy it. However, I had not developed my sense of sarcasm to its current strength, so I am guessing I would love it now. Maybe I will Netflix it (whenever I decide to join). I am glad they are putting it out on DVD.