Sunday, July 03, 2005

And now the review

Last night I saw War of the Worlds. My coworker and I thought that Steven Spielberg would play off of the success of Independence Day a couple years ago and give this disaster/invasion movie a patriotic feel. I thought this movie would show a valiant fight between humanity and the alien race (like Indepence Day), and although we would probably not get to see the end of the war, we could see the turning of the tide that would lead to humanity's eventual victory. Well, I guess I went into this movie thinking a lot of things, and that's why I came out disappointed. Don't worry, I won't give any of the plot line away, although by saying I didn't like the movie I may be spoiling it for you.

The things I liked about the movie were the actors' performances. Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning, and Tim Robbins stood out amongst the masses of people in the movie. The aliens and their vehicles looked pretty good, and the suspense was pretty intense.

What ruined the movie for me were just tons of logic errors. When certain thing happen you keep asking yourself "how?" or "why?". At first you attribute it to "wow, they were lucky", or "man, those aliens are stupid", but the repetition soon wears thin and it really starts to pull you out of the movie.

For everyone who thought about seeing it before, I say you will still pull some entertainment value out of it. I definitely recommend seeing it on the big screen, but to get your money's worth I recommend seeing it in a couple of weeks in a bargain theater. If you really had no desire to see this movie before, than wait for the DVD and go see it on a good home theater system.

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