Wednesday, July 27, 2005

No Stress

Ha! I'm finally finished! I haven't written here for a while because I have been stressing about my programming class. However, after getting only 8 hours of sleep since Sunday morning, I performed a demonstration of my program and took the final exam and now I'm done. No more class until September 20!

First things first, let's talk about HSX. The only movie I'm really pulling for now is Transporter 2. It's priced low enough so that even without the huge summer crowd I believe it can still make a lot of Hollywood Dollars. Otherwise I am continuing to invest my H$ in starbonds of undervalued actors and actresses.

Tomorrow I get on a plane and head home to Hawaii. It's time to take a break from school and work and get back in touch with the family. Hopefully I'll get to post some pictures.

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