Monday, February 18, 2008

Beginning Anew

Well, here it is: yet another attempt to restart my blog. Right now my blogging has slowed not because of lack of things to write about, but rather a shortage of time spent on blogging. Well I'm going to do my best to make regular entries now and get back into the swing of things. In the short term, I am going to be writing about the process of buying one's first home. This is a process I am experiencing right now first hand. Let me tell you, it's not a simple process. I am pretty for in the process; I am supposed to close escrow next week. However in my next couple of entries I plan to summarize the steps I have already gone through (e.g. looking at places, putting down the deposit, working out mortgage loan decisions). Until then, if any of you reading this have any tips about home ownership I would be happy to read them.

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