Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Snow Boarding

I had a blast this weekend! I have to give a special thanks to my buddy Bing who planned it all. The people who all drove up from the Bay Area together: Bing; his college buddy, Gar; Gar's girlfriend, Linda; Linda's friend, Jen; Jen's friend, Yang; and me. We drove up to Tahoe in a rented SUV on Friday and went straight to the North Star resort. Bing and I rented snowboards and then we all hit the slopes. That day there were not that many people out in the snow so it was a great opportunity to really push my limits and not worry about getting run over if I fell. I really felt like I improved my snowboarding skills.

The SUV crew that drove up together from the Bay Area

Saturday a couple of Linda and Jen's friends, Rosalie and Jenny, met us on the slopes. It was Rosalie's first day snowboarding, but she was adventurous enough to ride up with us to the top of the mountain and carve all the way down to the lodge. Well, Rosalie did more of the falling leaf instead of carving, and she had her share of falls, but I still give her a lot of credit for attempting anything but more than the bunny slopes on her first day.

Jenny and Rosalie who joined us on Saturday

After the weekend of snowboarding we treated ourselves to the buffet at the El Dorado hotel in Reno. It had a really good spread of food; we walked out of there totally stuffed. Next was the carnival games at Circus Circus. We all played the games and won stuffed animals for the girls, but the highlight of the night was Bing covering his eyes and throwing a bullseye with a dart to win a huge stuffed cheetah.

Yum, Soft Serve

At first I was skeptical about going on a weekend trip in a group of eight people where I had only previously met one person, but surprisingly everyone got along really well. I was also surprised at how much I improved at snowboarding. I'm really excited to continue doing it and hopefully I will be able to pull off tricks soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Bing's "OG" pose in that first picture.