Wednesday, September 21, 2005

2nd Day of Class

Well, I attended the first meeting of Phase-Locked Loops today. It didn't help that I was tired, but even if I was wide awake I don't know if I have had enough background in the subject to really get a lot out of the lecture. I did learn that Phases-Locked Loops are related to the subject of control systems, and I really liked the control systems class I took a while back, so I think I am going to stick with this. Let's hope I'm not making a mistake. Anyone out there know a good tutorial for Bode Plots?


Anonymous said...

Okay StarSpangledTrader, I don't know if you can help me, but I think maybe you will understand. I see all this crazy blog spam everywhere (I see some here) and I'm wondering if you know how we can stop it. I just have a site about surf video, and I can't even go find information on surf video without having to filter through all the junk. My blog gets totally bombarded with this rediculously spam. I hope you're not as frustrated as my self. Anyway, good luck with your blog, and let me know if you have any ideas...


Anonymous said...

Hey StarSpangledTrader...
Somehow I landed on your blog when scowering the net for surf dvds related information, and your post '2nd Day of Class' grabbed me so I stopped to read. Now I'm glad I found you because I'm trying to improve my site about surf dvds (don't blush :) and your blog here gave me some excellent ideas. StarSpangledTrader you are a quality blogger and I'm learning some good stuff by being here.

Keep your rhythm and good content flowin ~ and good job StarSpangledTrader.

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