Monday, August 15, 2005

Going, Going, Back, Back to Cali, Cali

Well, today is the last day of my vacation. I definitely wish I could stay longer, but then I probably wouldn't be able to pay my bills. I know I have not been keeping up with my journal, but what can you expect, I'm on vacation. Everyday I would wake up and say, "I should write about what happened yesterday," but then I would look at the sunny weather and think, I'll do it after I go to the beach with my cousins. Then after the beach there would always be some huge feast for dinner, and I would go into a food coma and just sleep for the rest of the night. So much for getting back in shape. So here is what has happened since my last entry:

1) water balloon slingshot was a success, although I only made one
2) ate some shaved ice
3) Took my niece and cousins surfing -- good times
4) ate some more shaved ice
5) celebrated my uncle's 60th birthday
6) celebrated my Dad's retirement
7) bought a skimboard and went skimboarding with my cousins
8) more shaved ice
9) saw my sister graduate and get her MBA from UH

Pictures are coming I promise.

1 comment:

ah said...

i think you should have eaten shaved ice between 5 and 6, 6 and 7, and then after 10.

also i clicked like 5 times on the ads and even clicked a second time on a link for good measure.